This occurs when you set up an account to use “Smart Card is Required for Interactive Logon” and set "Enable rolling of expiring NTLM secrets". The update addresses an issue that sends unexpected password expiration notices to users.

You might receive an error from apphelp.dll. This update addresses an issue that affects apps that use DirectX on older Intel graphics drivers. This update addresses issues that affect the 32-bit version of Windows Calculator. The update supports the government’s daylight saving time change order from 2022. This update affects the Islamic Republic of Iran. This update addresses an issue that affects conhost.exe. You can now configure application group rules. New! This update changes firewall settings. This security update includes quality improvements. Note Follow find out when new content is published to the Windows release health dashboard. For information about Windows update terminology, see the article about the types of Windows updates and the monthly quality update types. For an overview of Windows Server 2022, see its update history page.